Get a Healthy Heart- Week 7 of Dr. Mao's 8-Week Longevity Program

 Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Fortunately, we can improve our overall health and well-being and reduce the risk of developing heart disease through integrative cardiology. What is integrative cardiology?


Integrative cardiology is a medical specialty that combines conventional methods with natural and preventive approaches. One of the primary methods of integrative cardiology is lifestyle medicine, which focuses on changing a person's diet, exercise, and stress management techniques to improve sleep quality. In addition, integrative cardiology uses various natural remedies such as supplements, herbs, and acupuncture alongside conventional methods to reduce the risk of heart disease or improve the health of those already affected by it. 


Here are three key elements commonly prescribed by integrative cardiologists: 

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine includes diet, stress management, and sleep. Much emphasis has been placed on a low sugar, low saturated fat diet; however, stress continues to be a "silent" killer. Studies have shown that tai chi and meditation can help reduce the harmful effects of stress, especially regarding heart health. 

Tai Chi: Tai chi is a moving meditation that involves slow, graceful movements and deep breathing. Like qigong, tai chi has been shown to have many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and increasing blood circulation. Learn tai chi at home here.

Meditation: Happy Heart, Healthy Heart Meditation is a key aspect of Chinese medicine and has been shown to reduce stress and promote calm for heart health. We can download Happy Heart Meditation to our devices and make this practice a part of our daily regimen. 

Herbal Remedies

Natural herbal remedies and holistic approaches to heart health garner much interest in the medical community. Herbal remedies have been known to help improve overall health, reduce the risk of heart failure and stroke, and help improve blood circulation. They may help support the heart muscle's healthy function, improve lipid ratios in the blood, regulate blood pressure, improve blood flow to the heart, reduce inflammation, and prevent plaque build-up. Herbal remedies offer a natural approach to managing heart health. They can reduce the need for prescription drugs and avoid their side effects. It is important to note that these therapies are not meant to replace medical attention but to supplement it. Some of the most well-researched herbal remedies for cardiovascular health include hawthorn berry, astragalus, ginkgo, and red rice yeast. Find them in the Heart Formula and the Fire Element.

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplementation for heart health has good research behind it. Beneficial nutrients include the following:

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant naturally produced by the body. Levels may decrease with age and with certain medical conditions. It's been suggested that supplementing with Co-Enzyme Q10 may help improve heart health and glycemic control and counter the side effects of statin medications.

Omega-3 fatty acids, extracted from fish, nuts, or seeds, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Magnesium is a mineral essential for heart health and is involved in muscle and nerve function and blood pressure regulation. It may also improve sleep and reduces anxiety and depression.


When taken together, these three natural supplements can support a healthy cardiovascular system, boost energy levels, and reduce fatigue. 

Pick one or more tips from above or more from my 8-Week ebook and practice the routine daily for the next seven days. Click to listen to my audio podcast here and watch my video