Learn to Read the Currents When Swimming Across the Sea Utilizing Principles and Teachings of Taoism in Your Everyday Life

 A friend, Gary, an avid student of the I Ching, told me recently that the I Ching has taught him “how to read the currents when swimming across the sea!” It is an apt metaphor for navigating life's challenges and uncertainties, which is like a vast, unpredictable ocean. Just as a swimmer must read the currents to reach their destination safely, we can learn valuable lessons from Taoism to guide us on our journey.

Wisdom of the Tao

Often translated as "the Way" or "the path, the heart of Tao teaches us to flow with the natural rhythms of life, like water flowing effortlessly downstream. Taoist principles, as elucidated by Hua-Ching Ni in his translation of the seminal classic called Tao Teh Ching (Complete Works of Lao Tzu) remind us to embrace the currents rather than fight against them. The concept of Wu Wei, or "effortless action," is central to Taoism. It suggests that by aligning ourselves with the natural flow of events, we can achieve harmony and balance. Similarly, we conserve energy by moving with the currents of life instead of struggling against them.

The I Ching—A Guide for Life’s Changes

The I Ching, also called the Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination classic that offers profound insights into the ebb and flow of life. The I Ching teaches us to understand and adapt to change through its hexagrams and commentary, much like adjusting our course based on the shifting currents. Each hexagram in the I Ching represents a unique situation, offering guidance on navigating challenges and seizing opportunities. Just as we learn to read the currents to choose the most favorable path, consulting the I Ching helps us make wise decisions and steer life's complexities.

Incorporate Tai Chi Principles and Practice

Tai chi is not just a physical exercise but a holistic practice that integrates mind, body, and spirit. By practicing tai chi, we cultivate grounding and balance—essential qualities for navigating choppy waters literally and metaphorically. Through tai chi practice, we develop physical stability and mental clarity. Tai chi also encourages mindfulness and present-moment awareness. By being fully attuned to the sea's currents, tai chi practice can help us learn to be fully present and responsive to our surroundings.

By drawing upon the principles and teachings of Taoism and the I Ching, we can cultivate resilience, adaptability, and wisdom in the face of life's challenges. I invite you to join us at the College of Tao's April retreat in North Carolina, where you can immerse in the ancient wisdom of Tao, practice tai chi in a pristine mountain setting, and learn to better navigate your life's journey, flow with the currents, and cultivate harmony within and without as you swim across the ever-changing sea of existence.