Build Immunity- Week 5 of Dr. Mao's 8-Week Longevity Program

Welcome to week 5 of Dr. Mao's 8-Week Longevity Program. 

A common phenomenon that occurs when we age is not necessarily visible, such as wrinkles or a change in one's waistline. Rather, our immunity may wane and become more susceptible to colds, flu, infections, and diseases as our years move on. A decline in immune function is well documented as part of the functional decline of aging. It also means that your body's ability to repair and restore itself is significantly reduced. This week is about building immunity or rebuilding your healthy immune function. Below I share three tips to help you do just that.

Tip #1: 

Astragalus: The Natural Immunity Booster

For over 2,000 years, astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) has been used throughout Asia to prevent illness, especially colds, and flu. Astragalus stimulates the body's production of interferon. This potent immune protein boosts your ability to fight viruses, diseases, and cancer. Astragalus is also an adaptogen—a natural substance that improves the body's resistance to physical and environmental stress, thereby enhancing the immune system. As discussed in the prior week, it also helps repair the telomeres of your DNA. I recommend this herb to patients and personally take the Energy Elixir, which contains concentrated astragalus extract and other immune-supportive herbs. 

Tip #2: 

Sunlight for your ImmunIty

It's not just Chinese medicine that advocates the therapeutic value of sunlight. The Greeks called it heliotherapy and recognized that regular exposure to the sun strengthened one's health. Sunbathing daily without sunscreen for 15-25 minutes before 9-10 a.m. or after 3-4 p.m., depending on the seasons, can be helpful to your immune system. The ultraviolet rays stimulate skin immunity and help your body produce vitamin D, which is critical for immune function and can inhibit pathogenic bacterial activities. (Avoid exposure to the sun between these times, as the risk of skin cancer is greater when the sun is more directly overhead.)

Tip #3: 

Mushrooms to the Rescue

There are over 10,000 known types of mushrooms on our planet, and many have exceptional immune-supporting properties. The well-known ones include shiitake, maitake, turkey tail, lion's mane, and others. These mushrooms contain coumarin, polysaccharides, sterols, and vitamins like vitamin D and minerals that increase your immune function, fight viral and bacterial infections, and inhibit cancer cells. The mushrooms mentioned above are also edible and delicious. Try making a Mushroom Immunity Soup by cooking a broth of cabbage, carrots, fresh ginger, onion, oregano, shiitake mushrooms (if dried, they must be soaked first), maitake, lion's mane, turkey tail, any kind of seaweed, and any type of squash in water or stock. Combine and simmer for one hour. Bonus: cabbage can increase your body's ability to fight infection, ginger supports healthy digestion, and seaweed cleanses the body. Include this soup regularly as part of your diet to build a strong and healthy immune system. Alternatively, we have concentrated these and other medicinal mushrooms into the Natural Immunity Plus formula to support your healthy immune function. 

Pick one or more tips from above or more from my 8-Week ebook and practice the routine daily for the next seven days. Listen to my audio podcast here and watch my video here