Fermented Foods: Are they good for you?

Many cultures around the world have been enjoying fermented foods for centuries. Fermentation began as a way to eliminate toxins or to preserve foods and make them last longer. When the process is done correctly, and the foods are eaten in correct amounts, fermented foods are very healthy for the body.

China has been fermenting foods for at least the past 2,000 years. For example, sauerkraut originated in China where families preserved shredded cabbage in rice wine. Kimchi originated in Korea where cabbage was preserved in garlic, ginger, fish sauce, seafood, and hot chili peppers.

Fermentation is created by microbial interactions; it is normally an anaerobic process (without oxygen) in which yeast and bacteria break down food components into other products that include organic acids, gases or alcohol and create their distinctive desirable taste, aroma, texture and appearance.

There are many different sorts of fermented foods, and among them are:

  • kefir and yogurt

  • wine (including rice wine or sake)

  • beer 

  • cider

  • tempeh

  • miso

  • kimchi

  • sauerkraut

  • fermented sausage

  • preserved fermented Sichuan cabbage

  • vinegar

  • soy sauce

  • kombucha tea

  • Pu’er tea, black tea

Most fermented foods naturally create healthy bacteria called probiotics. For example, Lactobacilli, a bacteria strain that is found in yogurt, is beneficial to our gut microbiome. Lactobacilli help to break down food and improve the absorption of nutrients. These can also help to neutralize or facilitate the removal of toxins from the gut and may even help to lower the risks of some cancers, including breast and colon cancer. Here are three common fermented foods that you may want to consider adding to your diet:


Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans with a starter culture like fermented rice, along with salt. Miso is commonly used in Japanese soups and as a condiment in other Asian dishes; it is very salty and savory, and it is rarely consumed on its own. Because it is preserved in salt, Miso can be stored for long periods of time—it is rich in vitamins B, E, and K, and contains several essential minerals and probiotics, all of which promote a healthy gut.


Although sauerkraut is a German word, it is believed to have originated in China and brought along trade routes to Europe. Sauerkraut is made from finely shredded raw cabbage that it is fermented in its own juices which produce the lactic acid that give it a distinctive sour taste. Sauerkraut can be stored for long periods of time—is a good source of dietary fiber as well as many nutrients including vitamins C and K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus along with a healthy dose of gut-healthy probiotics.


Kefir is basically a form of fermented milk; it is made by adding kefir grains to cow or goat milk. Kefir grains are not a grain; they are grain-like colonies of yeast and lactic acids that ferment and break down the various components of milk. Kefir contains more potent probiotics than are found in yogurt, and it includes many other nutrients as well, like calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B12 and B2, magnesium and vitamin D. Kefir can improve bone health and may also be protective against certain types of cancer.

Fermented foods can add beneficial bacteria and enzymes to our intestinal flora, increase the health of the gut microbiome and digestive system, and enhance immune system function. It may be a good idea to consult with a nutritionist or health care provider who has a personal understanding of your issues and can help you to select the right sorts of foods to add to your dietary regimen.

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